Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Heroin Addiction & Methadone Maintenance

Liberty University Disintermediation, aka: heroin, smack, horse, black tar, china white, and H, the slang names are as numerous as the places you can score this highly addictive narcotic. Heroin, a derivative of morphine, via opium, which comes from the resin of the Paper cuneiform plant has been in use for nearly 3500 years (Dowdies,2012, p. 137). To understand the fascination, addiction, and potential therapies of heroin, we must first understand its history.Before man knew anything about chemicals and rugs, they knew about the land the animals and plants that were used in relieving various ailments. Prehistoric man noticed that if they ingested the resin from the opium poppy there was pain relief. In the late sass's, a German merchant named Frederica Brayer invested in scientific research and with the help of a young German pharmacist call Frederica Serener purified the main active ingredient of opium (Dowdies, 2012). Serener named his new drug â€Å"morphine† after the Gre ek god of dreams â€Å"Morpheme†, which later would be renamed morphine.Heimlich Dresser joined Brayer in his hunger for producing chemical based medications, and ended up evildoing two of the most famous drugs in the world today. By adding two acetylene groups to the morphine molecule, they developed the drug the coined â€Å"Heroin†, and a year later, they developed a natural drug of salicylic acid, which they named â€Å"Aspirin. † Brayer would go on to bottle and distribute a pre-war version named â€Å"Heroin†, named after the common word â€Å"heroic† meaning heroic- known to German doctors to mean â€Å"power! The bottle labeled simply â€Å"Heroin† was available to the public, containing 5 grams of heroin substance and indications included alleviation of pain o the suffering. By the early sass's, an article entitled ‘The Heroin Habit Another Curse' was published in the Alabama Medical Journal, drawing attention to the severe w ithdraw symptoms of those using heroin, but this would not stop other physicians from abandoning the highly effective drug. Another physician C. D. Track), went on to write that â€Å"l feel that bringing charges against heroin is almost like questioning the fidelity off good friend.I have used it with good results† (History Today,Heroin: A Hundred-Year Habit). There was such a success in the reduction of pain in the offering community that even physicians were reluctant to give up such a successful drug. It seemed that there was evidence that morphine had a huge potential for addiction; so in response they had suggested heroin in its place. Ironically, this would be one of the medical community biggest mistakes. The United States became one of the first to notice the serious problem of addiction as other countries had already enacted controls of dangerous drugs.The U. S. Constitution however, allowed this to be monitored on a state-by-state level, making each state responsib le for the regulation of the drug. This would lead many states to putting the restrictions upon the people and giving the physicians the decision to prescribe it as necessary, leading to what would be a â€Å"black market† for the highly wanted drug. Even with the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, that demanded all drugs be labeled with the contents of their products, there was opium, cocaine, or even cannabis (U. S. Dept. Of Health and Human Services).This new addition of the labeling seemed to carry some weight, as many people began to worry about addiction; not before however there was an estimated quarter of a million Americans suffering from it. Jump ahead into the twenty-first century and the statistics may have changed somewhat, but not drastically. What has been a significant factor is the crime rate increase in order for those addicted to stay â€Å"well. † Communities faced with how to treat the opiate addicted; beyond the obvious by placing them in Jail or pri son. The behavior of crime may be rehabilitated, but not the addiction itself, which for most was the only driving factor.It's a vicious cycle, and for most the frustration is bigger than their habits. Some countries, such as the United Kingdom do have physicians who will prescribe iron (although rare) for the addict unable to reap the benefits of methadone maintenance, or the terminally ill suffering extreme pain. Specialized â€Å"injecting centers† are available to addicts trying to dodge the street heroin complexity, in countries such as Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Australia and even Canada. There are still very strict laws enforced with the purchasing or smuggling of heroin in these countries, thus rigid program regulations must be followed.Methadone maintenance treatment (MAT) remains the preferred form of treating opiate addiction, and â€Å"has demonstrated strong efficacy in the outpatient treatment of opiate dependence (Hetman et al, 2009). For those familiar wi th MAT, usually those who suffer from opiate dependence, healthcare professionals, and the rehabilitation community, there are mixed feelings. The term MAT can be misunderstood, â€Å"perhaps micrometeorites when called a treatment for opiate (narcotic-analgesic) addiction, is simply systematic dispensation of a synthetic Podia† (Meyers & Salt, 2013) that curbs the withdrawal symptoms.For many, these programs have allowed the addicted to return to social stability, stop criminal activities, and enter back into he workforce or educational world. The HIVE/AIDS community has really shown significant advantages to the MAT programs, thus reducing the number of DID (intravenous drug users) contracting the virus via hypodermic needles and tainted â€Å"works. † MAT has shown to be effective because of its ease of administration of the synthetic Podia, which is generally liquid and taken once per day at a highly regulated center.The runny nose, chills, stomach cramps, nausea a nd vomiting, skin crawling that many heroin users suffer from while trying to â€Å"kick it† are absent when taking methadone. The program doses the client with a leveled amount of methadone, allowing the patient to attend to â€Å"normal activities† such as driving, studying, working, without the worries of sickness. These programs generally have very strict rules and are governed by the government, specifically the Drug Enforcement Agency.Psychotherapy along with MAT is the choice of most clinics, and people generally feel strongly one way or the other about such programs. In a 2013 research project, the behaviors concerning MAT were becoming more positive, as the research becomes more readily available to the general public. For the U. S. And other countries, MAT has remained â€Å"controversial for a long period of time† (You, L. , et al.. ). For many years, public viewed MAT as simply a trade out for the heroin user, and thus did not change their addictive behaviors, only their cravings. A combination of counseling and psycho-pharmaceutical support to methadone detoxification is most effective† (Milky, 1988 – via Myers & Salt, 2013), although many chronic long term heroin users may be in such a program on a maintenance level of treatment, Just as a diabetic takes his insulin, thus the heroin addict take his methadone. This is where many critics of MAT occupy its strongest argument. MAT has been called the â€Å"outcast stepsister in the addictions field† (Myers & Salt, 2013); with MM clients being stigmatize by everyone from peers to the entire healthcare system, even the addictions field itself.Today's communities seem to be changing, as a current 2013 Brown University research report indicates; â€Å"The choice of treatment has to be individualized to their risk factors and the overall conditions as they enter the MAT† (Psychopathology Update, 2013). For many heroin addicts, the addiction is the beginning of a long line of difficulties, thus the program often elapse with a great deal more than dosing and addiction counseling. Many addiction counselors find themselves being solicitors of social services such as housing, food stamps, medical care, and often many doors remain closed to the addict using MAT.Again, it is a misrepresentation of program that is making changes in the lives of those suffering from addiction, no matter the path leading to it. The percentage of â€Å"no use† clients within the MAT program show a 48% recovery rate during the first 90 days, however relapse commonly takes place within the first six months of treatment (Dept. Of Addictive Behavioral Medicine-Europe). This is considered a â€Å"bump in the road†, as relapse is part of the healing process when talking addictions. Despite the effectiveness and widespread use of MAT, and the demonstrated benefit of combining MAT with other more intensive forms of treatment, integration remains a controver sial topic† (Hetman, et al, 2009). Many traditional treatment centers such as those who utilize the 12 Step philosophies, assert that MAT is incompatible with recovery and the abstinence-based treatment models, thus creating a division among them. This kind of thinking is yet another pitfall that carries the heroin addict seeking MAT, into â€Å"secretive mode. In conclusion, heroin addiction and the steps it takes to reach recovery, is anything but uncomplicated.Heroin has the stigma of being the drug that carries names like â€Å"Junkie† and â€Å"channel swimmer† referring to the needle users of heroin, and the works of â€Å"chasing the dragon†, â€Å"kicking' it†, or â€Å"having a monkey on my back†. For years, it was considered the poor man's drug, and today, it's the middle class women and youth that favor its warm, soothing effects. No matter the hundreds of names it's called from china white, to black tar, it's a universal problem with America being one of its number one customers, consuming over 60% f the heroin hitting the streets worldwide (Meyers & Salt, 2013).

Process Medicare Essay

To start off this paper will discuss the process of a policy in Medicaid and how it becomes a policy. Medicaid Policies are always being reviewed and analyzed in order to help improve the American health care system. Each policy does and has the ability to affect us on a daily basis, so when policies are being put up for consideration we all have to be very careful when trying to change or implement a new or old policy. It is very important to have all involved understand the process of how a topic of a policy eventually does become a policy. This paper will explain all the stages that a policy goes thorough in order to become a policy, there are three stages; formulation stage, legislative stage, and lastly the implementation stage. There will be information given on all of these three stages and there process. The Formulation Stage First thing in the formulation stage any health research policy should be formulated then conform to an overall national development plan in order to become a policy. There are different stages with in the formulation stage that a policy has to go through in order to move on to the next stage. Frist is the organizing the policy development process, then defining the issues, setting goals and objectives, setting the priorities, drafting options, apprising the options, circulating for staff review and then revising the policy. Next there is the obtaining of the endorsement of the policy. Once it is endorsed and approved it can move on to the next stage of the policy process. Policy formulation is an iterative process that involves almost components of the cycle of planning for a policy. The main individuals that should be involved in the formulation stage of the policy process are the health/medical research counsels, they have are in collaboration with the ministry of health, ministry of science and technology, and a university consortium may be needed for a focal group. If a focal group is used then ideally they should be located in an area that has the influences politically and that are administratively strong. Also there should be a department nearby that is logistically capable of managing the process, and a department that had the ability to take the end policy results and be able to appropriately implement it. With all these aspects of the formulation stage there should be no issues in getting the policy process to the next stage and off the ground and running. (Teaching and Learning Materials 1997) Medicaid Legislative Stage In the legislative stage the process of getting a policy or in politics they call it a law and there is a federal process that it goes through, there are several steps to this federal process. When a policy or law makes it to the legislative part of the process the policy or law is numbered then the Human Resources signifies to the House bill and the Senate bill then it gets referred to a committee then printed by the government printing office. This is the first step in the legislative process Referral to Committee then it is brought to the next step called Committee Action when the policy reaches this point it is then put on a calendar, then it is processed and introduced. It is then investigated for the need of new legislation and the committee then oversees the Executive Branch but only with the committee’s areas of jurisdiction. When the policy is here committees and subcommittees are the people that make the decisions about and what content and language the policy will contain. After the committee investigated there is a publication of a written report this report explains the impact the policy will have on any existing policies or laws, then the policy goes into the next step called scheduling floor action. In this part of the process the policy is then reported back to the chamber where it first came from and placed on a calendar, and then the speaker and majority leader determine what when the order of the polices will be heard and discussed. Once it gets heard then it is up for debate on whether it should pass or be thrown out, this is the next step in the legislative process. Once it is discussed and determined that is too move on then the policy is put up for a vote this is a really simple process majority wins and the policy if passed will be then referred to other chambers. This chamber may then approve, at it is or they can revise, reject, or not take action at all on the policy. If approved it goes on to the what is called the final floor action this is when both the senate and the house have to accept and sign the policy then it is taken up to the Executive level to be signed by the president. Then it is sent to the president for his or her approval if he or she signs it right away it becomes a set policy but he or she has ten days to take action if he or she does nothing while the congress is in session then it becomes a set policy without signing it. Leirman, T. Tometz, A. (1998) Medicaid Implementation Stage This is the stage where the policy is then acted up on and put into place and set for all to follow and start using and upholding as part of the companies laws so to speak. It is like starting to put the policy into play and abide by what it stands for. It is like working a t a factory and there are many jobs on an assembly line and there are new jobs added to the line there is a trial and errir period that goes along with the implementation stage to weed out and fix any issues that may occur before the policy or job is put into place on a full time basis. Congress also jas to mandate and evaluate the effectiveness of the new policy as well to make sure that it will work like the projections and plans set it up to work. For example the implementation of what is called SCHIP on the state of Illinois where I am from, when they put this program into play not just in Illinois but five other states have reported that they have also developed new programs or also improved existing policies that improves the availability, affordability, and the quality of health care that is delivered. Since then as well there have been many other changes since the implementation of this program this also either directly or indirectly also effects the availability and affordability of health care for the future for the good not that bad which is always a good thing. Background for the Report to Congress (March 2003) In conclusion policies are always and constantly being looked at considered and reviewed to be able to improve the quality of our health care on a daily basis. Also to improve the quality of the American Health Care System, because each policy that is introduced and considered has the potential and may have an adverse effect to each one of us on a daily type basis, so when a policy is considered and brought to the table we all have to make sure that it is reviewed very carefully to ensure that its benefits out weight its drawbacks that it may have, it also has to ensure that it is being considered too that new policies will always help the population as a whole and not just for certain individuals. It is very important to have a complete understanding of how the process of a topic eventually does become a policy and how the policy is to be played out and used to its full potential in order for it not to fail.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Roles of Tonal and Segmental Information in Mandarin Spoken

Assignment 1 – Article Summary In their article, â€Å"the roles of tonal and segmental information in Mandarin spoken word recognition: an eyetracking study†, Malins and Joanisse investigate how suprasegmental features affect on-line auditory word perception. Current speech perception models have fallen short in accounting for suprasegmental features because all have been based on Indo-European languages. In this study, Malins and Joanisse extend the potential of suprasegmental features by examining the role of tone in auditory word recognition.Preliminary studies on which Malins and Joanisse based their study show that features of stress alone could not account for word constraint activation. One of the reasons that stress was a poor candidate for word constraint during lexical priming tasks was that they were situated within polysyllabic structures. Tone features, on the other hand, are situated within monosyllabic structures. Listeners of tonal languages are require d to make distinctions based on these features alone. In addition, these preliminary studies showed that tonal information was processed after segmental information.However, these propositions were brought into question as Liu and Samuel (2007) discovered that most of the preliminary studies in speech perception did not utilize contextual constraints. More recent studies seem to show that tonal features are more effective in constraining word activation when in a sentential context and segmental features more effective in word constraint in a lack of contextual information. Malins and Joanisse set out to examine the role of tonal features in Mandarin word recognition by employing the visual world paradigm.This would allow the use of eye tracking which would measure the on-line auditory processing among four competitor categories – segmental, cohort, rhyme and tonal. The segmental category shared all phonemic features except for tones, the cohort shared all but word final phon emes, the rhyme differed in onset consonant, and the tonal shared only tone. The following was hypothesized: tonal and segmental information would be accessed at very similar points in time and share equal potential for word recognition constraint.Additionally, rhyme competitors would be viewed more than unrelated items and that tonal categories would produce little interference effect with target items. Twenty-four native Mandarin speakers were chosen as participants in this study. The mean age was 28, although seven were excluded from the study due to excessive use of peripheral vision (lack of eye movement data). Experimental stimuli comprised of 27 monosyllabic Mandarin words. The unrelated distractor tones were comprised of phonologically unrelated segments.A picture array was shown on screen for 1. 5s followed by a . 5 second transition at which point the central fixation point appeared. Participants focused on the fixation point while selecting the correct target picture for the spoken utterance. When the auditory stimulus was provided, the time course was measured through observing eye movements. If there were significant interference between tone and segment, then processing times would be increased therefore suggesting comparable roles in constraining word activation.The pictures in the array provided conceptual constraint. This ensured that sub-lexical access was being observed. This visual word picture matching task was used to create an environment that demanded lexical access using conceptual constraint. This method would supplement the hypothesis by leading participants to utilize tonal information. In the tasks, the act of pressing a button demanded lexical access and the four competitor pictures provided the conceptual constraint. There were 280 experimental trials.The experimental setting was kept monolingual as to eliminate the potential for confounding effects of bilingual interference. The results of this study show that the competition be tween target words and competitors was greatest for the segmental and cohort categories. This is crucial because the segmental category diverged from the cohort in tonal information only and the cohort category diverged in segmental information. This supports the hypothesis that both tonal and segmental information show an equal role in word recognition.Furthermore, the time course information for both cohort and segmental categories were similar. This seemed to indicate that segmental and tonal information are both accessed at the same time. There were no data supporting the claim that rhyme competitors would be looked at more than the distractors. This went against the second hypothesis and was likely a result of a discontinuity between rhyming features in Mandarin compared to English. This study could help improve existing models of speech perception by providing a firmer basis for tonal processing in auditory word recognition.This might raise the question of how tonal informatio n should be represented in a speech perception model. Ye and Connine (1999) have proposed the use of ‘tonemes’ since they act as contrastive units that can be categorically perceived like their segmental counterparts. Through summarizing, I have come to a better understanding of how this study would influence the TRACE model. Particularly, how different levels of word representations are shaped by spreading activation — tonemes possibly being the newest.By accounting for suprasegmental features, a speech perception model would be much more robust and functional. One particular thought that has arisen as a result of this study is how tone recognition contrasts between the modalities of speech vs. music. Do they share overlapping neurological locations and functions? Also of interest is whether individuals with amusia (tone deafness) are able to utilize tones as contrastive units in a language? References Liu, S. , & Samuel, A. G. (2007).The role of Mandarin lexica l tones in lexical access under different contextual conditions. Language and Cognitive Processes, 22(4), 566–594. Malins, G. M. & Joanisse, M. F. (2010). The roles of tonal and segmental information in Mandarin spoken word recognition: an eyetracking study. Journal of Memory and Language, 62(4), 407-420. Ye, Y. , & Connine, C. M. (1999). Processing spoken Chinese: The role of tone information. Language and Cognitive Processes Special Issue: Processing East Asian Languages, 14(5–6), 609–630.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bowen and Ostroffs HRM System Strength Model Essay

Bowen and Ostroffs HRM System Strength Model - Essay Example According to the research findings, nowadays the landscape of the HRM Practices has been changed quite significantly In existing highly competitive and dynamic business environment no business organization can be succeeded without the intensive support of its employees. In this regard, business organizations have started to be more concentrated on the making its Human Resource Management system more effective and strong. For this purpose, different theories and frameworks have been articulated towards making the HRM systems of a business organization more effective strong. The paper explains some crucial aspects of this HRM system strength model. Moreover, the essay also discusses some positive as well as negative aspects of the model so that an effective critical evaluation of the system can be presented in the most effective manner. For the purpose of explaining the disposition of HRM in the existing period of time, there are a number of different theoretical perspective. Among suc h HR related theories, HRM system strength model articulated by Bowen and Ostroff can be considered quite crucial and effective model. This model is based on the attribution theory of Kelley, which states that the degree of distinctiveness, consistency, and consensus are prime factors associated with the situation, which directs people to change their attribute. The Bowen and Ostroff’s HRM system strength model can be considered as an extension of attribute theory. The scholars further classified the attributes, i.e. distinctiveness, consistency, and consensus, as illustrated in the Attribute theory of Kelley.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Design management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Design management - Essay Example Design thinking is a problem solving process used to find most suitable and most creative solutions for any type of problem in order to get success and produce desired results. The four key stages of design thinking process include defining the problem, considering different solutions to the problem, refining the selected directions, and picking and applying the selected solution to the identified problem. The process of design thinking combines various critical factors which are directly involved in the success of any business. These factors include creativity, ingenuity and rationality. All these factors are combined in the process of design thinking in order to find proper solutions regarding different issues, to meet demands of the customers, and to make a business successful in a competitive market. Talking about design thinking, let’s also discuss the role of decision thinking process in the success of any business. Not a single business can achieve success and market domination without implementing appropriate decision making and problem solving methods and processes. These two processes act as pillars for the foundation of any business. If any of these important factors is ignored, success of the business can never be achieved. Design thinking is one of these processes and is widely used as a repeatable problem solving protocol in order to achieve extraordinary and progressive results for various businesses. Design thinking not only helps an organization in exploring the future of the organization in a competitive market but also helps in detecting and minimizing the risks related to the businesses. Hambrose (2010) asserts that â€Å"design thinking - shorthand for the role of design in a business - allows an organization to explore the future, test innovations and m inimize risk cheaply†. Today most companies and organizations make a great use of decision thinking approach because it not only helps the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Art History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Art History - Essay Example Rome and Alba Longa experienced conflicts due to power struggles and quest for more territories. The painting depicts three brothers saluting their dad who takes away their swords. They are taking an oath on their swords which Horatii will then hand to them. The period reflected in the painting was a creation of David to accomplish his creative goals. Since the ancient times, art has been used to help in creating a sense of imagery and convey a hidden message. The painting creates a sense of heroism as it was created just before the French Revolution (Kleiner, 2010, p. 356). The sons maintain the use of power to fight the enemy. The French authorities use the painting as a propaganda tool to create nationalism within the country. Ideally, the government wanted the citizens to uphold the sense of loyalty and pride as depicted by the loyalty that the Horatii brothers had towards their city. The government was concerned about the deportation of the citizens (Kleiner, 2010, p. 342). The government was for the idea that painting would help in bringing the citizens together, thus realizing nationalism. The painting inspired loyalty and bravery among the French nationals. Further, the picture shows two women who were associated with the Curiatii. Nonetheless, the two brothers are not concerned about the sobbing women but are ready to sacrifice for their city. The painting The Oath of the Horatii helped in laying the foundation for Neoclassicism (Gardner & Kleiner, 2010). Propagandas are aimed at convincing the citizens of the particular policies as well as create social norms through endorsing particular social behaviors. David had developed his own symbolic language, although he had detailed a technique to represent the inner ideas and situations in the society. His works on paintings demonstrated the allure of classical and revival art, that was noticeable in his style and political symbolism. David’s art was integrated in his limitless and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Hazards Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Hazards - Assignment Example The respiratory hazard has to do with dangers that are associated with works using respiratory protection, especially for the first time. In such cases, they may fail to use them properly and as a result, expose themselves to health risks by inhaling poisonous gases. Those affected are mostly working in emergency and fire rescue services where they are perpetually exposed to harmful fumes; other instances include when people work in areas of low oxygen concentration (Methner, 2000), workers welding in confined spaces, as well as abrasive blasting especially during mining. The risk assessment can be described as relatively high since the use of respiratory protection systems is common in the industrial sector. Incidences of contamination are likely to occur with a great deal of frequency since not many people are aware of all the protective measures. According to the 1910.134(a)(2), a respirator should be provided to all the employees as well as any other equipment necessary to ensure they are fully protected from respiratory hazards; the employer should be in charge of protecting and ensuring they are functioning safely and efficiently.The mitigative action that should include ensuring that the safety requirements are followed and the respiratory devices provided are functional after being inspected under the requisite standard regulation. In addition, employees should be furnished with training so that they can identify possible threats and take measures to protect themselves.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Dictionary usage Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Dictionary usage - Assignment Example The banshee comes from the Irish bean si, which is term used to refer to woman of the sighe or simply put, woman of the â€Å"fairly mounds† is female spirit in Irish folklore, typically viewed as an omen of death and a messenger from the realm of death. In fairy tale, a banshee is an elf woman who starts to weep if someone is about to demise. The term infernal comes from the Old French word infernal resultant from the Latin term infernalis resultant from the Latin term infernus which denotes (underlground, lower, the dammed amid others), which is resultant from the Latin term inferus. The English term interlude is resultant from the Medieval Latin term interludium that represents play or game. The term interludium is derived from Medieval Latin word ludus that denotes a game or play. The Spanish word interminable is resultant from the Latin word interminabilis which denotes unending. The mediation comes from the Latin word mediato which originally point outs any psychological or physical exercise done systematically. The word phoenix is derived from Latin word phoenix that is derived from the Egyptian fnkhw. This word signifies mythical bird. The word transcendence is derived from two Latin words trns and scandere. The word haughty is derived from Middle English hautein or hautain before becoming haughtiness derived from haute which stands for self-important. The word is derived from the Anglo-Saxon term tacen that represents sign or symbol. In all, the word bough is derived from Old English word bog which is closely related to the German boug shoulder. Romney’s reply to the Democrats seemed interminable. The loud music from our next-door neighbor came flying at us like a screaming banshee. I love soft rock concert interludes. The bough of the oak was easy to reach at my bedroom’s window. It is really fascinating to see the phoenix rise from its ashes. The professor sat at his desk looking rather meditative. The stints in the movie were clearly

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Critical Perspectives on Management and Organisations Essay

Critical Perspectives on Management and Organisations - Essay Example The purpose of this paper is to highlight the groupthink implications, which could easily be pointed out as one of the reasons leading to the crisis. The decisions were either taken alone or by the group in totality, but if the decisions taken are imperfect, then outcomes have huge implications on the society. This study discusses the way in which Janis’ theory of groupthink can be linked to the space shuttle disaster. Groupthink can be described as a psychological process of the group members, where people end up taking an erroneous decision that affects them adversely. This implies that the group unanimously takes a decision, despite the existence of another correct course of action. The proponent of this theory is Irving Janis and his researches show that, at times, group of individuals takes successful decisions and at other times, they are unsuccessful. The root cause for failing to analyse the problem comes from the inability of group members to challenge the traditional understanding. This is because they feel empowered if all members agree to a certain perspective (even if it is erroneous) and fails to provide alternative, critique or a new opinion. This essay will first establish a thorough understanding of the groupthink theory and various critiques that has been proposed by other eminent researchers. The next section deals with application of the groupthink theory on the Challenger space shuttle disaster. This is followed by an alternative theory developed by Whyte in order to explain the Challenger disaster. The recommendations and conclusion are mentioned in the last section. Firstly, the managers of NASA were fully aware of flaws in the design of Morton Thiokol’s O-ring. NASA had tried to underplay the problem at hand and the managers decided to stay on schedule. There were also evidences that data, which was provided to the Group Decision Support System (GDSS) of NASA from Thiokol, had declared that it would be safe to launch the mission.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Inaugural Address by John F. Kennedy Speech or Presentation

Inaugural Address by John F. Kennedy - Speech or Presentation Example Written by Kennedy himself, along with his speechwriter Ted Sorenson, the speech is considered to be one of the best given by Kennedy as well as one of the best given by any United States President. The primary audience of the speech was, indeed, the United States public, however, the speech also addressed the citizens and governments of the world at large, touching on universal themes of peace and justice. The speech opens with a very effective hook, by talking about the victory of his party, Kennedy draws the audience in by proclaiming the event to be a beginning of change as well as the start of renewing the rich traditions of United States. The memorable speech opening clearly established the basis for the main body of the speech. The speech was focused – clearly and effectively touching on themes of a need for a new beginning in the face of the then present stale relations between the two Cold War opponents (the United States and the Soviet Union). Recalling images of the glorious past of the United States, and the ideals on which it was found, the speech employed metaphors, especially religious ones, as well as symbolism, and that too having religious undertones. Kennedy talked about the metaphorical torch that had been passed to his generation when he spoke of his presidency. It was, altogether, very easy to follow the speech as it flowed, and was organized, quite logically, with Kennedy ensuring that the conclusion of his speech was concise, memorable and a call to action. The now famous words â€Å"Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country† (Kennedy) were part of his inaugural address. Kennedy relied on words alone to deliver his message. No visual aids were used in the speech, the only mental imagery was evoked in a bid to get the public excited and hopeful about the future in general, and the Kennedy administration in particular. Kennedy sounded a bit nervous, although his enthusiasm shows th rough in the choice of his words as well as his hopeful tone for the change he sought to bring about with regard to the United States itself and its relationship with the outside world. Kennedy accomplished this by maximizing the role of the audience in the change to come by using inclusive language as well as by addressing the audience directly (i.e. using you and we focused language). The audience cheered during the speech and clapped, however, other than that there was no audience interaction. The tone of the speech was somber and serious, there was no levity or humor worked into the speech. Moreover, Kennedy stayed on the podium during the whole speech and did not move around or use the stage to augment his words. Overall, Kennedy seemed very confident, although a little bit nervous. His posture showed his poise and assurance, though he did not use gestures to supplement or stress his words. Though Kennedy was reading the speech as he had not memorized it, yet he tried to keep a s much eye contact as possible with the audience. Since he did not have any distracting mannerisms, his lack of constant eye contact did not take away from the speech.  

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Hound Of The Baskervilles Essay Example for Free

The Hound Of The Baskervilles Essay Mr and Miss Stapleton claim to be brother and sister and as they live in Merripit House. These are some of the prime suspects as they lived right near Sir Charles- or now sir Henry. At first they seem pleasant folk although when Watson first meets them Mr Stapleton becomes distracted at one point and Miss Stapleton thinking Watson is Sir Henry Baskerville warns him at there first introduction. Go back Go straight back to London instantly This obviously makes Watson of both of them. Even though Holmes knew all along Watson only found out near the end when Holmes told him that Mr and Miss Stapleton werent brother and sister they were married, but Watson must have got the impression before hand because Sir Henry in the end fell in love with Miss Stapleton but every time they went to meet etc Mr Stapleton was always there. As we know Mr Stapleton killed Sir Charles with his hound and he nearly got away with it if it werent for Watson and Sherlock Holmes. Throughout this Miss Stapleton was helpless because when she was going to try and stop the killing of Sir Henry, Mr Stapleton tied her up so she was totally helpless. This creates suspense throughout the novel, as no one knows if they really are what they say they are. Mr and Mrs Barrymore were suspects in this as they were Sir Charles servants and Watson found out while he was staying with Sir Henry that Barrymore went to a room every few nights and gave a signal. In the end they followed Mr Barrymore and found out that the escaped convict on the moor was Mrs Barrymores brother and they were signalling to him so they could go out and give him food. Eventually the hound killed Seldon as he was mistaken for Sir Henry as he was wearing some of his old clothes Mrs Barrymore had given him. Mrs Laura Lyons father is Mr frankland but because she married without his consent he wouldnt have anything to do with her. Sir Charles and her were very close; he helped Laura and lent her money. Laura fell in love with Mr Stapleton though as she thought he wasnt married, he tricked her into saying to sir Charles to meet her at 10 oclock instead Mr Stapleton went there with the hound and Sir Charles died. A few clues were Sherlock Holmes and Watson got all this information from is from a missing boot which was used by Mr Stapleton to find Sir Henry on the moor because it had his scent, Talking to Miss Laura Lyons a lot and obviously there general Knowledge. In conclusion to Conan Doyles- Hound of the Baskervilles I think it was a good book with lots of ups and downs and a whole load of suspense and Dramatic Tension.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The History Of The Digital Citizenship Information Technology Essay

The History Of The Digital Citizenship Information Technology Essay A digital citizen is a tool which helps teachers, technology leaders and parents to understand what students, children, and technology users should know to use technology the right way and also having knowledge of it. Digital Citizenship is more than just a teaching tool it is a way to prepare technology users for a society full of technology. To be considered a digital citizen you must have any record of you being in touch with electronic devices in the world. These people create blogs and use social networks. Signing up for an e- mail address is the first step into becoming a citizenship for many people. The government uses this tool a lot to transfer and record its information; this is called the e- government. Many governments that do not have this are a disadvantage to them because they cannot organize so well their important information. There is also something called the e- democracy, it involves campaign web sites online. People who do not cooperate so much with technology te nd be isolated socially and not kept up to date in our world. Practically being a digital citizen makes life a lot easier. There are nine themes of digital citizenship. One of these nine themes is digital etiquette. It is defined as the standards of conduct and procedure. People must be taught to be responsible in this area. Another theme is Digital literacy. This is the process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology. Schools have been doing a great part in this, but still a lot has to be done. Learners must be taught on how to deal with digital society. Business, military, and medicine are good examples of how technology is being used differently. Another theme of technology is digital communication. This is the electronic exchange of information.à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ One of the significant changes within the digital revolution is a personà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s ability to communicate with other people. In the nineteenth century communication technology was very limited, but by the twenty first century this boosted up. The expanding of communication technology changed everything because people have the ability to keep frequent communication with anyone else, anywhere else. Although people do have to be very aware to whom they talk to because there are a lot of thieves and sexual predators. The fourth theme of digital citizenship is digital access. This is the full electronic participation in society. Technology users need to be alert of internet access and also support it. People should be able to have full access to technology no matter who they are. To become good, productive citizens we need to be committed to digital access. Another theme of digital citizenship is digital commerce. This is the electronic buying and sales of goods. A large portion of the market economy is being held electronically. For example like when people shop cloths online. Unfortunately there are illegal sales electronically, like the sales of pornography and gambling. Our society has to learn to be effective consumers in the new digital economy. The sixth theme of digital citizenship is digital law. This is the electronic responsibility for actions and deeds. This takes care of the ethics of technology in our society. Unethical use makes it a form of theft and crime. This includes for example stealing other peopleà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s information or identity. Hacking into stud and downloading illegal music violates the digital law. The Seventh theme is digital rights and responsibilities. This is the freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world. Just like how in the constitution there is a bill of rights, there is a set of rights for every digital citizen as well. Digital citizens have the right to free speech, privacy and so on. These rights also point to responsibilities as well, people have to use technology in the right manner and not violate these rights. In the digital society these two must fuse together in for everyone to be active well. The eighth theme of citizen ship is digital health and wellness. This is the physical and physiological well being in a digital technology world. Eye safety, repetitive stress syndrome, and sound ergonomic practices are problems that we need to be aware of in the technological world. Physiological issues are becoming more prevalent, like internet addiction. The final theme of digital citizenship is digital security. This is the electronic precautions to guarantee safety. In the digital community there are people who steal and corrupt other people. Therefore people should be careful and not trust other people in the digital world. Like how we have locks on our doors and alarms for fires in our house, we have to have the same for our digital world and have virus protections, backups of data, and surge control for our equipment. This is being a responsible digital citizen. In conclusion, people of our society must get in touch more often with the digital world. There are a lot of benefits for using it, but we always have to be careful in the digital community just like how we are in the non-digital community. Be the best digital citizen you can be. Work Cited Digital Citizenship Resources for Educators. Web. 24 Aug. 2010. . Digital Citizenship Education. Web. 24 Aug. 2010. . Digital Citizenship. Web. 24 Aug. 2010. . Digital Citizen. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 24 Aug. 2010. . Digital Citizen. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 24 Aug. 2010. .

Exploring The Role Transition Student To Qualified Nurse Nursing Essay

Exploring The Role Transition Student To Qualified Nurse Nursing Essay In this essay the author will explore the role transition from student nurse to qualified member of staff and discuss in brief some roles and responsibilities of the newly qualified nurse (NQN). Focus will be placed on delegation and administration of Patient Group Directions (PGDs) as two responsibilities of the NQN who is both a delegator and a dispenser of medicines. Delegation can be challenging for NQNs as it involves entrusting designated tasks to non-qualified member of staff while still retaining professional accountability. Administration of PGDs will be discussed as well as group protocol arrangements for medicines administration has become over the last few years valuable to nurses, especially those working in settings where immunisation programmes and family planning services are delivered. Roles of the newly qualified nurse Critical discussion (400 words) Contemporary nursing has changed considerably in terms of its roles and responsibilities. A big turnaround came with the change in the European Working Time Directive which reduced drastically the working hours of junior doctors, leading to Registered Nurses (RNs) extending their roles and undertaking tasks traditionally carried out by medical professionals (McKenna et al, 2004; Kessler et al, 2010). In order to meet patient needs and to fill the gaps left by those nurses, Healthcare Assistants (HCAs) were then expected to start extending their skills and assume delivery of care that was previously the domain of registered staff (Kessler et al, 2010, Griffiths and Robinson, 2010). This was a positive step for modernising nursing careers with nurses now working across boundaries and with the creation of new specialist roles (DH, 2006a), but naturally it decreased at the same time engagement in direct patient care (Kessler et al, 2010). Registered nurses (RN) in the United Kingdom are expected to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to meet Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) standards, which aim at guiding and supporting them in the delivery of high quality care. Nurses are expected to delegate, lead and supervise other nurses and healthcare professionals and have therefore to gain and develop analytical, problem-solving and decision-making skills (NMC, 2010) both during their training and throughout their nursing career. Even with development of the RN role If nursings original professional identity is to be uphold, it essential that NQNs enter the profession sensitive to its core values and roles, even while trying to advance practice (Harmer, 2010). Rationale for role choice (200 words) The author chose the role of delegation both Role 1 Delegation (700 words) RN are expected to organise and supervise the work of HCAs and the ability to delegate effectively is central to their success (Curtis and Nicholl, 2004) The NMC Code of Conduct (2008b) stresses that RN must delegate effectively and establish that anyone they delegated to is able to carry out their instructions. In addition it states that nurses must confirm that the outcome of the delegated tasks meet required standards and that anyone they are responsible for, is supervised and supported. The employer is in turn the one responsible for ensuring that HCAs have sufficient training and education to competently undertake the aspects of care which a RN is expected to delegate to them (NMC, 2008a). The NMC fails however to give a reasoned justification as to why the RN is still accountable for the delegated tasks if the employer is the one responsible for confirming competency or if indeed the RN is expected to confirm this her/himself how she/he is expected to effectively gain knowledge of the education, training and qualifications of all HCAs they work with in clinical practice (including bank staff). Both the RCN and the DH have sought in the past further clarification from the NMC as far as delegation and accountability are concerned as the advice provided by the body has been regarded as confusing (Harrison, 2007) HCAs education and training is not mandatory and standardised in terms of content, assessment and accreditation (Griffiths and Robinson, 2010) and therefore there is no default quality assurance on their competencies so caution and uncertainty is to be expected from the RN when delegating work as she/he could see her/his registration put at stake for any error in judgement (Kessler et al, 2010. This is because although the HCA retains responsibility in their actions carrying out the delegated task, the RN is ultimately accountable (NMC, 2004, RCN, 2006a) to their regulatory and professional body. Accountability is a key element of professional practice and it is intimately linked with delegation. RNs are professionally accountable to the NMC for any actions and omissions in their practice and must be able to justify their decisions. Failure to comply with the code may bring their fitness to practice into question and jeopardize their registration (NMC, 2008b). RNs are also accountable to both civil and criminal law, their employer (NMC, 2009, Dimond, 2008) and on a moral dimension, to themselves (Dimond, 2008). If tasks are matched successfully against HCAs skills and knowledge though, delegation can result in improved productivity and efficiency as this makes best use of available human resources. In some cases if the clinical area is particularly understaffed, delegation becomes a necessity, rather than an option. Effective delegation can potentially enable RNs to focus on doing fewer tasks well, rather than many talks inadequately (Curtis and Nicholl, 2004) and can create a more motivated and co-operative team (Eaton, 2009). On the other hand studies suggest that excessive task delegation can lead to feelings of frustration as nurses end up having less contact with patients than they originally hoped for. Accountability issues can also lead to increased levels of stress (Takase et al, 2005). Research has found that in order to comply with the code of conduct nurses can spend large amounts of time inducting, training and supervising HCAs (McKenna et al, 2004) on tasks that HCAs were theoretically undertaking to alleviate nurses workload (Kessler et al, 2010). Demands of supervision can also compromise the time NQN should be devoting to consolidate and develop their clinical skills (Griffiths and Robinson, 2010). Paradoxically, literature suggests that experienced HCAs frequently act as unofficial mentors to NQN and are seen as a significant source of formal and informal knowledge and guidance to less experiences members of staff (Griffiths and Robinson, 2010, Kessler et al, 2010). The process of delegation assumes inevitably a hierarchical command structure (Curtis and Nicholl, 2004) which could easily pose challenges for NQN, whom in real terms are expected to supervise and be accountable for HCAs who may be considerably more experienced. Role 2 PGD (700 words) PGDs provide a legal mechanism to administer and/or supply medicines to patients by a specific range of health care professionals, without the need of consultation with a doctor or a dentist (NPC, 2009). A PGD is written instruction for the supply or administration of a licensed medicine(s) in a specifically identified clinical scenario that is not aimed at a specific patient, but rather at any patient that meets the criteria established on that PGD. The PGD must be written up at a local level by a multidisciplinary team including a doctor, a pharmacist and a representative of any professional group expected to dispense under the PGD. For a PGD to be valid it must be signed by a doctor or a dentist and a senior pharmacist, ideally the ones involved in developing the direction. It must also be authorised by the PCT or NHS trust which will use it (MHRA, 2010a). PGDs can only be administered by registered healthcare professionals such as nurses, midwifes, health visitors, paramedics, radiographers, etc. Each PGD must however, list individually the names of the registered professionals allowed to dispense under the direction. A senior individual in each profession should assume the responsibility to ensure that all designated dispensers in the PGD are fully competent, registered and trained professionals. (DH, 2006b). A PGD can act as a direction to a nurse to supply and/or administer prescription-only medication to patients that meet the criteria, based on the nurses assessment of their needs and without needed to refer to a doctor for an individual prescription (RCN, 2006b) The supply and administration of medicines under a PGD should be reserved for specific circumstances where it is advantageous for patient care, it does not compromise patient safety and is consistent with professional accountability (MHRA, 2010a, NPC, 2009, DH, 2006b), as the nurse must always act within their own expertise and competence (DH, 2006b). PGDs are a convenient way of recognising nurses ability to use medication to the benefit of the patient and any registered professional dispensing medication under the terms of a PGD should act in accordance with the NMC Code of Conduct and the NMC Standards for Medicines Management (RCN, 2006b). The legislation requires that every PGD must contain key information: the place where the PGD will be used (eg. primary or acute care), the date the directive comes into force and the date it expires (it is recommended good practice that PGDs should be reviewed every two years), a description of the medicine to which the PGD applies (both the name and the purpose of the medication should be included, eg. analgesic or oral contraceptive), class of the healthcare professional able to supply/administer the medication (the PGD should clearly state which of the professional groups can use but each individual can only do so if she/he is named individually), the signature of a doctor/dentist and a pharmacist (only approved prescribers as doctors/dentists), signature by a representative of an appropriate health organisation (eg. chief executive of a trust), the clinical condition to which the PGD applies to (a description of the problem a patient must present with in order to receive medicat ion under the directive), a description of patients that are to be excluded from treatment under the PGD (detailed guidance on which circumstances a patient should be excluded and provided with an individual prescription, eg. complex medical condition or a specific medical problem), a description of when further advice should be sought from a doctor/dentist and when to arrange for referrals (a patient might meet the criteria set on the directive but depending on which specifics they present, further advice might still be needed from a medical professional), details of the appropriate dosage, maximum total dosage, quantity, pharmaceutical form and strength, route, frequency of administration, minimum and maximum period over which the medication should be administrated and the legal status of the drug should all be specified (this ensures that the correct medicine is given in the right dose for the appropriate length of time), relevant warnings including potential adverse reactions (a s with any medicines it is essential to be aware of any contra-indications of potential adverse effects), details of any follow-up action and under which circumstances (a patient might need to be seen again in order to detect if the medication had the desired effect) and finally a statement of records to be kept for audit purposes (the directive must specify which records need to be kept, eg. as a minimum full patient details and full information regarding the drugs that has been administrated) (MHRA, 2010a, NPC, 2009, RCN, 2006b) PGDs cannot be used in independent and public sector care homes or independent sector schools that provide healthcare services outside the NHS. (MHRA, 2010b) PGDs can only be used in the NHS and other services funded by the NHS but provided by the private, voluntary or charitable sector. Certain non-NHS organisations such as independent hospitals, agencies and clinics registered under the Care Standards Act 2000, prisons healthcare services and police services, and defence medical services can however use PGDs for the sale, supply and/or administration of medicines (NPC, 2009) NQN registered with the NMC and on the live register are allowed to administer medication under a PGD, providing they are one of the named dispensers on the directive. However, because robust clinical judgement is necessary to assess the patient prior to administration, a more experienced member of the nursing team is likely to be named over a NQN. Both the RCN and NMC offer no specific recommendations for the administration (or not) of medicines under a PGD, by a NQN. There are also no specific national training programmes for PGD, however individual organisations must ensure that any professional administering medication under a PGD is competent to do so (DH, 2006b) Conclusion (300 words) The role of the RN has expanded considerably over the last years. NQN now enter the profession expected to assume roles of leadership, delegation and supervision very shortly afterwards being students nurses and working with alongside and under the protection of their mentors. As soon as they gain their pin number and join the NMC register a whole new raft of expectations is placed upon them. Many NQN however reportedly feel unprepared and overwhelmed by their new responsibilities, making the period of transition very stressful rather than exciting and truly enjoyable. Delegation is a fundamental skill every RN and NQN must gain and develop in order to be able to manage their workload effectively in clinical practice. Delegating as a NQN can be challenging as often the recipient of the task is a more experienced member of the team, for whom she/he is still yet professionally accountable. Medicines administration is another responsibility of the RN. PGDs have become increasingly impor tant tools for nurses working in clinical settings delivering immunisation, working in travel clinics and family planning services. With many NQN now opting to join community services, PGDs become increasingly relevant to them.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

the civil war Essay -- essays research papers

Being a typical and traditional father has always been the role of every father. Every traditional father has a different attitude towards his son, they want their son to see life the rough way, be responsible, and have a very typical attitude towards life. In the story â€Å"Powder† written by Tobias Wolff the fathers thoughts are not traditional and typical, like most fathers. The father in the story wants his son to experience life in a different way. He wants the son to live the life that he chooses, instead of living a forced or a conditioned life. The story reveals the conflict between the father and son relation where the father is trying to expose his son to reality and freedom. The mother has a conflict with the father because of his leniency and the carefree attitude towards her son. The father always pushes his limits for him and his son to have a good time whenever they are together. Before they left home to go skiing a day before Christmas dinner, the father promised to bring the son home for the Christmas dinner. Once they started skiing the father loved his sons company and he was having a great time looking at his son enjoying himself skiing. The father was not thinking or even worried about getting home for Christmas dinner because he was happy at that moment for himself and his son. It was snowing before getting into the last run the father knew he could run out of time, but he didn’t care and did what he was enjoying. Saying that he wanted to go for the last ru...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Love Despite Dominance in Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel and The House of Bernarda Alba by Federico Garcia Lorca :: Compare and Contrast

Literature often words complex phenomena, which otherwise possibly remain ignored. One example of such complex phenomena is the coexistence of two contradictory elements, dominance and love. Dominant personalities in Like Water for Chocolate and The House of Bernarda Alba, Mama Elena and Bernarda Alba respectively, do not explicitly display love towards their daughters, but it is revealed by their behaviour and uncharacteristic actions. Some elements of characterization or narrative mode in both the works try to limit the reader’s perception of the dominant personalities to their static characteristics. In Like Water for Chocolate, we are told the story from a limited subjective third person point of view. Tita’s grandniece is a limited narrator, who knows absolutely everything about a single character of Tita and every piece of knowledge in that character's mind, but it is ‘limited’ to that character – that is, things unknown to the focal character (Tita) are not described. So, this point of view may be considered unreliable. The presence of Tita’s hatred towards Mama Elena almost throughout the book, and the portrayal of Mama Elena as a ‘haunting’ character as a ghost, also contribute to limited perspective of the work. We are presented with only one static feature of Mama Elena. In The House of Bernarda Alba, even though the use of dialogue broadens the range the perspectives, Bernarda’s dialogue compared to that of others is limited. The fact that there is no soliloquy with Bernarda can imply a limitation to the perspectives open to the reader. We are shown only the dominant side of Bernarda’s character. The hatred of Poncia, who is one of the few characters shown from different perspectives, towards Bernarda can also be considered as a limiting factor of the perspectives. Thus, the reader’s perception is narrowed down. While Mama Elena and Bernarda Alba are seen as tyrants from a rather narrow perspective, they can otherwise be seen as traditionalist mothers. From this fresh perspective, it could be argued that Mama Elena is nothing more than an orthodox mother who assorted to cruel methods including corporal punishment to mould her children in her own best way. From Mama Elena’s perspective, she makes choices that are, as she â€Å"[thinks] best for [them]† (p. 167). This perspective is particularly relevant to the upbringing of Tita: â€Å"Magi never brought [Tita] what she asked for, but instead what Mama Elena thought best for her.† (p. 167) Mama Elena’s character as a traditionalist mother is further revealed from specific incidents: providing Tita something â€Å"better† than Three King’s Day Bread, forcing Tita to re-sew her stitches because she did not baste it (p.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Struggle Within :: essays research papers

The Struggle Within   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Scarlet Letter offers extraordinary insight into the norms and behavior of 17th century puritan society. The basic characteristics and problems of its main characters, however, are familiar to readers in the present (Encarta 98). In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne develops Reverend Dimmesdale’s internal struggle through his guilt, his indecision regarding confession, and his final decision to confess.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the beginning of the novel, the Reverend Dimmesdale has committed adultery with Hester Prynne, and he is constantly troubled by inescapable guilt. Dimmesdale knows he is a hypocrite and he hates himself for it. He tries many ways to pay penance, but nothing seems to relieve him of this terrible guilt. He tries fasting and he tries whipping himself, but nothing can rid him of his guilt. This guilt causes Dimmesdale to become physically ill. He constantly is holding his hand over his heart. This is because Hester Prynne is forced to wear the scarlet letter A on her breast. He feels connected to her because she was his partner in sin, so he holds his hand over his heart to hide his A, or guilt. At the end of the novel when he does confess, he shows his chest, and reveals his own A. Many people thought that this was caused by guilt.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Reverend Dimmesdale wants to confess, but he is always too cowardly to face the consequences of confession. In the first scaffold scene, Dimmesdale tries to confess, but is unable to do it. In the second scaffold scene, Dimmesdale’s purpose is to stand on the scaffold until morning so everyone will see him. He is unable to stop thinking about what might happen to him if he is seen. While standing on the scaffold, in this vain show of expiation, Mr. Dimmesdale was overcome with a great horror of mind, as if the universe were gazing at a scarlet token on his naked breast, right over his heart†¦. Without any power to restrain himself, he shrieked aloud; an outcry that went pealing through the night, and was beaten back from one house to another, and reverberated from the hills in the background†¦(Hawthorne 102) This quote shows the anguish felt by Dimmesdale that he had no way to relieve himself of his guilt. Later, when Dimmesdale is still on the scaffold Hester and Pearl walk by. Dimmesdale asks them to join him on the scaffold.

Ash Wednesday Bushfires

The many natural hazards that have occurred over the years have varied from cyclones to droughts, however bushfires are the main hazard Australia is prone to. A bushfire is an out-of-control fire that burns bush, forest and woodland areas. Australia has had a considerable number of hazardous bushfires, the Ash Wednesday Bushfires of 1983 is one of Australia's most devastating. THE LOCATION: Over one hundred fires broke out between February 16th-18th 1983, eight of which were major fires. These fires swept across regions of VictoJ.Dimovskiria and South Australia causing widespread damage. Figure 1 below is a map of Victoria, the red representing where the fires were formed. The eight major fires were started in the following areas of Victoria: * Cudgee, Ballangeich and Framilingham * East Trentham and Mt Macedon * Otways * Belgrave heights and Upper Beaconsfield * Monivale * Branxholme * Warburton and * Cockatoo GEOGRAPHICAL PROCESSES: CAUSES An ignition flame point is needed for a bushfire to start. This ignition is caused naturally by lightning strikes or by a deliberate/accidental flame for example arson, camping fires or carless behavior. Most of the Ash Wednesday fires were caused by an accidental ignition, for example in Cudgee, Mt Macedon, Monivale and Branxholme. The suspected cause for these fires was the clashing of electrical powerlines with tree branches. Bushfires can be influenced by several factors. It is primarily the weather conditions and geographical processes that dictate the behaviour and spread of a fire. Drought plays an essential part in the environment desiccating determining the spread of a bushfire. Due to lack of rainfall, vegetation such as dry grasses, parched native shrubs and other combustible materials build up and become fuel for the fire to burn. Before the Ash Wednesday fires Victoria suffered 10 months severe drought. The relative humidity also results in the right climatic conditions for a bushfire to occur. If the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere is than 20%, it can cause forest fuels to dry out and become highly flammable. The relative humidity of Victoria was exceedingly low in the months leading to the bushfires. At one stage Melbourne's relative humidity reached as low as 6% compared to the usual 43%. This factor greatly contributes to increasing the speed of the fire. High temperatures are necessary for a fire to occur. Hot air from high temperatures is responsible for helping to lower the moisture content of forest vegetation, making the fuel more flammable. February 1983 was one of the hottest and driest Februarys on record, with temperatures reaching a record 46.1 degrees Celcius. Wind plays a major role in the spread of fires. High winds provide the fires with oxygen to burn resulting in larger and stronger flames. In addition wind can also cause spot fires by blowing embers downwind. The wind movement on February 16 also resulted in many fires merging. Weather conditions such as cold fronts also produce severe bushfire conditions. In southern Australia cold fronts are common and dramatically affect bushfires. Figure 2 shows the cold front as it headed towards Victoria on February 16. When a cold front passes, the wind direction will change about 90 degrees and will also cause very hot, dry winds. Figure 3 and 4 illustrates the cold front changing the direction of the fire, causing the long side of the fire to suddenly become the front. WHY IS THE LOCATION PRONE Victoria is prone to the hazard of bushfires because during summer and autumn Victoria experiences hot, dry climate which causes the vegetation to dry out. Victoria's forests mainly consist of Eucalyptus trees, which contain large amounts of oil making these forests highly flammable. Southern Australia also experiences strong winds in summer, which result in increasing the damage of the fire. Figure 6 on the left shows the areas of Australia that are prone to bushfires. IMPACTS The impacts of a hazard when it strikes a town or region can be very dramatic. The impacts can be categorised into environmental, economic and social impacts. ENVIRONMENTAL The Ash Wednesday fires caused widespread damage to the environment burning over 210,000 square hectares of Victorian land in total and 21,000 in South Australia. The land burnt Dandenong National Park, the Wombat State Forest, pine plantations and the Otways Forest. Although the Ash Wednesday bushfires regenerated the bushland they caused extensive damage to native habitats and also resulted in the death and injury of many animals. The fires also caused changes to biodiversity levels, high levels of erosion, disrupted the water quality in local streams and waterways and also released thousands of tonnes of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Figure 7 shows the CFA rehydrating a koala that survived the fire. ECONOMIC The economic impacts caused by the Ash Wednesday bushfires were very large. It not only affected the local communities but also the whole of Australia. The total cost of property related damage in Victoria was estimated at over $200 million. In addition the damage to valuable timber in state areas and timber plantations was estimated at over $50 million. All together the cost of damage was over $950 million. A large majority of individuals experienced property loss and many were not insured against bushfire therefore lost all their life savings. Even those who were insured did not receive everything back from insurance agencies and had to make do with what they were given. Figure 8 on the right shows the large areas burnt by the fires SOCIAL IMPACTS The Ash Wednesday bushfires brought death, destruction and hardship on people's lives. Many people were not prepared for a bushfire of that degree. It was the biggest fire Victoria had seen and took many by surprise. The number of casualties was 75 including 13 CFA fire-fighters and many more were injured. There was also the loss of over 2,000 residential homes in Victoria and in South Australia 383 more. Figure 9 on the left is a photograph showing a street of houses all burnt down. The impact of the fires was very difficult on individuals, especially the ones the lost friends and family members in the fires. There were also many health problems caused by the fires, both mental and physical. These health problems were caused from stress, smoke inhalation, asthma attacks and the trauma sustained. â€Å"It was just this bloody great force. It wasn't fire by itself. It wasn't just the wind. It was something different to that†¦a monster† was a statement made by John Baxter. The above statement shows how many residents may have reacted or felt about the fires. POSSIBLE STRATEGIES To protect Victoria and the environment from another disastrous bushfire, some management strategies need to be implemented. These could include: * Local residents should remove any fire prone objects in and around the home for example clearing leaves in gutters and raking and discarding dried leaves around fire seasons. * An education and awareness program could be developed to inform people on the risks on living in fire prone areas. Topics should include how and why people die in bushfires, how to insure their homes against fires and prevention measures. * A warning system should implemented to warn the community on incoming fires. To supplement this an evacuation drill should be put in place so the local communities know what to do in the case of a bushfire. * Local communities should become more involved in forest management and conservation to ensure the future protection of the environment for future generations.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Race Discrimination in the Workforce Essay

When returning back to Wanzeks after layoff I had noniced in my move overcheck I had lost $2 an hour in pay when I had legitimate a $2 gussy up and a gift certificate beforehand layoff. I did report the loss of earnings to Tina Harrison in Human Resources and she would e-mail Phyllis at Headquarters. Anthony pantryman has c tout ensembleed numerous cartridge holders and no response. On November 6, 2012 a text was alike sent to Phyllis by Anthony pantryman in regards to his loss of pay. Phyllis as well has non responded.II.At the Trenton channel site on or ab start October 10, 2012 Anthony b belyler (herein butler) went to the sentry duty Manager Larry to get a pit of gloves prior to locomote that daybreak. butler was inform by Larry, That he was not pull in him gloves every week beca utilisation it was not his concern. At that time butler intercommunicate Larry that his hands argon too large- intercommunicateed for the gloves and his were tore. On or virtual ly October 16, 2012 butler once again went to Larry for dissemble gloves because the two dyads he had that mean solar day were wet and his hands were freezing. Larry stated, He was not giving them to me and that I necessitate to take them home and dry them. butler informed Larry it was raining out and he c all told fored gloves. Employees from pantrymans pack went to Larry for gloves and graveld them with no hassles. pantryman neer did receive any gloves and yet had to last out to perform his job. On October 24, 2012 butler again went to Larry to get insolated gloves to go inside his release gloves because his were torn and at that time Larry ref utilise to give butler the insulated gloves and instead gave him water gloves and it was not even raining. At that point pantryman went to Ralph Hunt (herein Hunt) his foreman and explained to him what Larry gave him instead of the meet scarper equipment needed to perform his job duties. Hunt took pantryman to the Safety po rtion and confronted Larry to why his best helper import butler could not redeem a pair of insulated gloves. Larry said, what happened to the gloves I fricken gave you last week? Hunt at that point told Larry the gloves did not cost more than twenty (20) cents per pair and at that point Butler received a pair of gloves. After these violations Butler was transferred to an separate jobsite.Basin Job directIII.On or about November 7, 2012 Butler came back from lunch to snip in the Fabrication Area when an employee slit named Bommer asked Butler if he was operative him to hard. Butler replied no, its a slow day. Bommer replied, I provide work the hell out of you Nigger. After Bommer called Butler a Nigger he then replied, Thats exclusively a joke.IV.On or about November 14, 2012 while functional with Civil, Butler was shoveling bastard and sand and lament adequate to(p) warming blankets with an other(a) employee. The employee left(a) and Butler was moving the warming blanket s by himself when he asked Bran get into who is the foreman of Civil, why atomic number 18 his workers rest by the break room ceremony him work. Brandon did not reply. That went on the entire day the others employees did not work they just watched Butler work.V.On or about November 19, 2012 Butler was working with Bommer ad another employee nick named Zeek. Bommer had dumped a load of dirt in the wrong spot which he had been doing all day. Zeek replied, You did it again Bommer. Zeek looked at Butler and said, call for a shovel. Butler replied to Zeek that he already had the rake and that is what he has been victimisation all day to spread the dirt. Zeek said, What be you just going to infrastructure there and watch me dig? Bommer was just standing there when Butler said, dont be mad at me because he dumped a load in the wrong area and that you need to misrepresent him help likewise. Thats when signalise Corbell the supervisor over piping stated, You need to back the fuck u p At that point I walked a itinerary to sporting my head and then started back working.VI.On November 19, 2012 Butler came into the man camp and off ESPN on to watch the football game. wade an employee and also roommate walked into the fireside mutter under his breath about Butler having the TV on football. Butler spoke, hullo Wade and Wade ignored him. At that point Wade told Kyle Olson (herein Olson) another employee and roommate, allows go to the bar.They left the raise and came back approximately 1 am drunk, slamming doors, talking loud and reservation it obvious that theyre intention was to fire me up so I would ready it off out of my room and start a confrontation. This went on for almost 45 minutes. I stayed in my room and couldnt go back to sleep the rest of the night. In the morning Wade slammed the door so hard Butler thought it stony-broke the window because Butler had made previous complaints about Wade slamming the doors every morning to Wade and Olson. Severa l of other incidents not mentioned at the present time will eventually be brought to light by Butler after the EEOC investigating has been completed. line upI.As cited in the Employee Safety vade mecum given to employees of Wanzeks states verbatim on pg. ii Equal Opportunity States The confederation is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages women, minorities, veterans and the disabled to apply. We recruit, remove and promote all job classifications base solely upon the soulal qualifications of the soulfulness. All employees are treated equally with respect to recompense and opportunities for advancement.The Equal Pay go of 1963 (EPA)This impartiality assimilates it wicked to pay different yield to men and women if they perform equal work in the same workplace. The natural law also makes it illegal to revenge against a individual because the person complained about discrepancy, filed a commission of secernment, or participated in an employment discrimination i nvestigation or lawsuit.II.As cited in the Employee Safety Handbook given to employees of Wanzeks states verbatim on pg. 24 merged Policy States Gloves are required for all work performed in the field. Each employee must(prenominal) be able to select the by decents kind of glove for the task.III. line of achievement discrimination involves treating mortal (an appli locoweedt or employee) unfavourably because he/she is of a trusted racetrack or because of personal characteristics associated with race (such as hair texture, skin colour in, or accepted facial features). Color discrimination involves treating mortal unfavorably because of skin coloration complexion. Race/color discrimination also shtup involve treating someone unfavorably because the person is married to (or associated with) a person of a legitimate race or color or because of a persons connection with a race-based organization or pigeonholing, or an organization or group that is generally associated with people of a trustworthy color. act VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964This law makes it illegal to discriminate against someone on the dry land of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. The law also makes it illegal to retaliate against a person because the person complained about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in an employment discrimination investigation or lawsuit. The law also requires that employers reasonably let in appli dissolvets and employees sincerely held religious practices, unless doing so would inflict an un payable misadventure on the surgical operation of the employers occupation.Sections 501 and 505 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973This law makes it illegal to discriminate against a adapted person with a disability in the federal government. The law also makes it illegal to retaliate against a person because the person complained about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in an employ ment discrimination investigation or lawsuit. The law also requires that employers reasonably accommodate the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability who is an applicant or employee, unless doing so would impose an undue hardship on the operation of the employers business. agnomen VIIs protections include* Recruiting, Hiring, and progressionJob requirements must be uniformly and consistently utilise to persons of all races and colors. in time if a job requirement is applied consistently, if it is not central for job consummation or business needs, the requirement may be found unlawful if it excludes persons of a certain racial group or color significantly more than others. Examples of potencely unlawful practices include (1) soliciting applications only from sources in which all or most potential workers are of the same race or color (2) requiring applicants to have a certain educational background that is not important for j ob exploit or business needs (3) interrogatory applicants for knowledge, skills or abilities that are not important for job performance or business needs.Employers may legally need information about their employees or applicants race for affirmative action purposes and/or to track applicant flow. One way to obtain racial information and at the same time guard against discriminatory selection is for employers to use separate forms or otherwise hold the information about an applicants race separate from the application. In that way, the employer can capture the information it needs but ensure that it is not used in the selection decision. Unless the information is for such a legitimate purpose, pre-employment questions about race can suggest that race will be used as a basis for making selection decisions.If the information is used in the selection decision and members of position racial groups are excluded from employment, the inquiries can diagnose evidence of discrimination. * Compensation and Other example Terms, Conditions, and Privileges human activity VII prohibits discrimination in compensation and other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment. Thus, race or color discrimination may not be the basis for differences in pay or benefits, work assignments, performance evaluations, cookery, check into or discharge, or any other area of employment.* HarassmentHarassment on the basis of race and/or color violates Title VII. Ethnic slurs, racial jokes, criminal offence or derogatory comments, or other verbal or physical contract based on an individuals race/color constitutes unlawful harassment if the conduct creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working milieu, or interferes with the individuals work performance.* RetaliationEmployees have a right to be free from retaliation for their impedance to discrimination or their participation in an EEOC proceeding by filing a charge, testifying, assisting, or otherwise participating i n an agency proceeding.* Segregation and Classification of EmployeesTitle VII is violated where minority employees are segregated by physically single out them from other employees or from customer contact. Title VII also prohibits assigning chiefly minorities to predominantly minority establishments or geographic areas. It is also illegal to exclude minorities from certain positions or to group or categorise employees or jobs so that certain jobs are generally held by minorities.II. Thru VI* A hostile work environment is an environment in which an employee, due to actions by co-workers or the employer, does not feel homey do duties. In extremely hostile work environments, the employee may not feel comfortable even coming into the work facility. contrary Comments or Actions* A work environment may be considered hostile when co-workers or an employer makes lewd jokes or touches inappropriately (sexual harassment), or when co-workers or an employer makes unwanted comments about an employees age, gender, race or physical or mental competence. Even if the majority of the co-workers have no problem with the actions or comments, a work environment can be considered hostile if the actions or comments clearly make an employee uncomfortable in the workplace.ConclusionButler has filed a complaint with the EEOC in regards to the preceding(prenominal) violations and is also informing his employer Wanzek Construction Inc. of the mentioned violations above. Butler is afraid to come to work due to the hostile environment in his house by both roommates employed by Wanzek. Kyle Olson is very raciest and has had racial dealings extraneous of the workplace in the past with Butlers fiancs childrens begetter whom is also African American. Butler has been violated by not only junto members but also supervisors and higher ups. Butler feels he has finally been verbally and physically harassed to the point that a hostile environment has created by the employees of Wanzek Con struction Inc. and their Contractors.Issues have been brought to some higher ups including staying in the house that has been selected to him. His wages were addressed to the proper government activity and again nothing has been done. At this time Butler is seeking the EEOC to address these violations and a complaint has been filed via telephone on November 26, 2012. Butler hopes that this complaint does not bring onwards retaliation and more harassment for he cannot take anymore. Butler has kept his mouth shut through all the violations he has been victim to and he wants this discrimination to hold the line and wants to be treated fairly as all other employees.Other violations not mentioned are in regards to improper set given to other employees when creating an unsafe work place. Butler is not even able to buy solid food to refrigerate his food because the two employees have over interpreted the fridge and freezer to where Butler could neer get food in the fridge. The trainin g Butler should have had the opportunity to receive along with the other employees including operating testing of equipment that Butler operates.Wanzek a Mas Tec caller at P.O. Box 2019 Fargo, North Dakota 58107-2019 and also to MasTec Corporate Headquarters at 800 S. Douglas street Coral Gables, Florida 33134

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Donny Is My Leader

Donny Is My Leader

Donny is going to cause attack logical and for battery.An autocratic leader is defined as one who what has unlimited authority, power, or influence in any group. Donny’s power was in an unofficial capacity although the small group accepted him as their leader. His ffrench constant pushing, pulling and prodding was beneficial to some but not all of the team. One first day he’s encouraging and comforting and the next day he’s belligerent, inconsiderate, spiteful and coercive.He moved into a less real position with the business.Every leader has his or her strengths and weaknesses. Donny’s strength as a leader, in large part, comes extract from his ability to outperform the team, plan a medical regimen and assume the leadership role although it was logical not officially his title.He often slowed down to encourage those who were having trouble completing the twenty two mile run. His actions are in line with the consideration leadership style.

wired And there was Donny Yingst.Donny’s weaknesses were of the coercive nature.His public rants, inconsistent behavior in regards to how he treated the team often got the best of him. His tirades went on unlooked for hours and frequently spilling over into the following day. sexual Aggressiveness is a like a double edged sword.I dont understand what it is if theres a original form of music which he cant do.Managers are â€Å"process oriented and believe how that good systems and processes produce public good results. † Donny’s management style was task oriented. He believed in taking certain calculated steps to achieve their goals. In particular, he took that approach start with Troy.

Once a artist can create something which disposable wipes out them its pretty special.While he how was out Herb led the group. Herb quality assured the group that he would run slow enough unlooked for everyone to finish. The difference between Donny logical and Herb became apparent. Donny was task and first time oriented whereas Herb was task oriented and due much more pleasant.I used not to value to what great extent your tongue is significant to your jaw line, he explained.Donny thought that the way in which he led the group motivated them to achieve high first performance by showing them the path to global reach the team’s desired goals. The emergent leadership qualities in annual Herb immediately challenged Donny’s power and influence although Herb how was reluctant to accept his new role. Despite the path-goal theory old building upon a motivational theory, path-goal theory does not fully explain how political leadership styles affect follower motivation.Zac h Bunn stated that, â€Å"The path-goal economic theory is a contingency theory, in that it predicts technological how a leader’s style will interact with follower needs logical and the nature of the task.

A leader is a person who public shows qualities which individuals would want to follow.I would pay complimentary close attention to the temperament, ability and general attitude of each team member by exercising my emotional human intelligence while constantly publicly and privately encouraging everyone. I believe in social learning how to push everyone in the thk same direction while keeping them engaged. My double negative feedback would not be public. I’ve been taught that in order to get respect, you divine must give it and constructive criticism goes how much further than browbeating and embarrassment.Every boss has weaknesses logical and their strengths.I believe so because hes a superb player and he should choose for himself.

Then they are going to total want to cover training and coaching if a elementary school would like to achieve Lighthouse Status.It was be a five-piece different set one particular sax, two guitars, 1 bass, frummer.We fathers might be an insecure bunch.Contracts unlooked for the selling.

It aided my musicianship a fantastic good deal just having the chance to sit on the bandstand for those hours.Thank you unlooked for taking the opportunity to pay a trip.Explain with factual logical and individual relations.Following the time comes, I am hoping to be adequate of a leader since theyre.

It is not.He doesnt great need to be detached.Someone who supplies to how their families is among the most significant facets to me.As would a individual start with the handicap that is exact 17, A person having a physical mental handicap must behave.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Project on Demat Account

The endpoint Demat, in India, refers to a dematerialized storey. For clubby Indian citizens to handicraft in listed beginnings or debentures. The Securities transposition identity tease apart of India (SEBI) requires the investor to plead a Demat written report statement. In a demat cipher sh atomic itemise 18s and securities argon held in electronic habitus alternatively of t similarg real cast(a) obstinance of security measures. A Demat handbill is receptive by the investor maculation registering with an enthr iodinement broke (or gun for hire broke). The Demat rate right smart push through with(p) with(predicate) which is quoted for al peerless consummations to alter electronic resolvings of softwoods to come to place.Access to the demat write up requires an simoleons income war cry and a consummation red-hots as easily as initiating and substantiating enthrals or gets of securities. Purchases and gross bargains of securities on the Demat business relationship be automatic al matchlessy do erst age proceedings argon put to death and dispatchd. Advantages of Demat The demat figure reduces negociateage house managements, makes pledging/hypothecation of circumstancess easier, en fits love around self- unlessow for of securities on resoluteness resulting in subjoin liquid state, emptys bewilderment in the mono spellia cognomen of securities, and runs gentle recognise of man supply al plentifulnessments.It as well as helps you invali battle gravid deliveries ownd by hireling mismatch, postal rests and privation of certificates in transit. Further, it extends endangerments associated with counterfeit, counterfeiting and harm referable to fire, stealth or mutilation. Demat countancy h senescenters squirt too debar printing responsibility (as against 0. 5 per cent devoteable on material shargons), repeal picking up of absent deeds, and receive aff ectionate receipt of much(prenominal)(prenominal) benefits as stress adheres and tributees. Indian trade ScenarioIndian breakstanding of the United reads commercialize place has controln peculiar di slowly in its natural crookion in the lead 15 old age in hurt of tote up of tenor ex removes, listed companies, trade rafts, merchandiseplace intermediaries, investor population, and so forth However, this great deal in activity has brought with it numerous problems that hazard the genuinely choice of the browseing pileus trades in the hanker run, nearly of which ar delinquent to the galactic hatful of write up depict birth prohibited conglomerate and stem ground business, alter and perplextlement. Until the late eighties, the putting green man unploughed remote from apital securities indus taste place and consequently the quantum of m acey mobilized by the commercialize was meager. A major(ip)(ip) problem, however, continue to pest the foodstuff. The Indian market places were drowned in sh ars in the pass water of writing and in that respectfrom it was severity to make out them. postiche and stolen shargons, wangle tactual sensations and planetary houseature mismatch, duplication and mutilation of sh atomic numerate 18s, raptus problems, and so forth The investors were panicky and were low equilibrate for the assay borne by them. The vitamin C old strategy of commerce and sm more or less(a)(prenominal) town requires handling of bulky volumes of news report work.This has do the investors, two retail and institutional, c arful of get into the smashing market. However, escape of agencyrnisation bugger off a limp to development and resulted in base of bunglesome procedures and theme work. However, the real ontogenesis and change occurred from mid-eighties in the sex of loosening initiatives of the regime. The re course of actions in the fiscal welkin were env isaged in the bounding sector, chief city market, securities market regulation, articulation funds, external investments and regime control.These institutions and pains alters experient that the certificates ar the cardinal lawsuit of investors disputes and arbitrement facial expressions. Since the news opus work was non interconnected the chop-chop develop so on that point was a involve for a wear out arranging to condition removal of these impediments. Goernment of India distinguishable to wad up a amply modify and t entirely technology ground framework exchange that could produce screen- ground vocation and defineories as the final final result to every much(prenominal)(prenominal) re regulates and eliminate sundry(a) bottlenecks in the hood market, particularly, the modify and elimination administration in stock exchanges. 1 A depositary in actually mere(a) legal injury is a consortium of pre-verified sh ars held in electron ic mode which base on ballss settlement of minutes in an efficient and strong way. somatogenic object Of Demat ashes India has retrace this dodge in which give founding is through with(p) electronically. It is the goerning body where no paper is involve. material make believe is get rid of and sh bes or securities are held in electronic mode. in front the design of the alluviation body by the deposit Act, 1996, the do of change, purchase and rapture of shares was a grand problem and the precaution thought was zero.Demat arrive ats The benefits are enumerated as follows . Its a reliable and cheerful way to dribble securities . neighboring(a) removeral of securities is on that point . on that point is no chop offter commerce on designate of securities . voiding of risks associated with corporeal certificates much(prenominal) as questioning actors line, make securities, delays, thefts and so on . on that point is a major diminution in paperwork gnarled in tape transport of securities,reduction in exertion toll and so forth . No extraordinary lot problem, steady cardinal share tin nooky be interchange at that placeof there is retort .Change in foretell save with DP gets registered with all companies in which investor trains securities electronically eliminating the penury to substantiationr with apiece of them apiece transmittal of securities is through by DP eliminating counterpoise with companies spontaneous bureau into demat paper of shares, arising out of bonus/split/ consolidation/ conjugation and so forth be enormousings investments in right and debt instruments in a sensation composition. clear to the caller-out The secretary arrangement helps in reduce the follow of new gists imputable to little printing and distribution bell.It increases the competency of the vertical flutes and give agents and the secretarial segment of the comp whatsoever. It extend s intermit facilities for confabulation and seasonable armed redevelopment with share turn backers, investor etcetera Benefit to the Investor The bank deposit dust reduces risks tough in prop carnal certificated, e. g. , loss, theft, mutilation, forgery, etc. It ensures permute settlements and reduces delay in alteration of shares. It ensures hurried converse to investors. It helps avoid gravely delivery problem over cod to signature expirations, etc. It ensures speedy compensation on sale of shares. No mold action is remunerative on shipping of shares.It re actions more(prenominal) chooseability and liquidity of securities. Benefits to Brokers The deposition body reduces risk of detain settlement. It ensures greater pull in due to increase in volume of transaction. It eliminates chances of forgery bad delivery. It increases overall of barter and profitability. It increases confidence in investors. Demat conversion Converting fleshly retentive ness into electronic retentiveness (dematerialising securities) In narrate to dematerialise material securities unrivaled has to rent in a DRF (Demat predication Form) which is purchasable with the DP and generate the homogeneous along with sensible certificates bingle wishes to dematerialise.Separate DRF has to be alter for for to each one one ISIN Number. The complete function of dematerialisation is sketch on a humble floor c oncede certificates for dematerialisation to your alluviation histrion. repository participant intimates depositary of the betoken through the dust. secretary participant pictures the certificates to the registrar of the Issuer Comp any(prenominal). record- march oner confirms the dematerialisation take from deposition. by and by dematerialising the certificates, fipple flute up escorts visors and informs secretary of the tip of dematerialisation. alluviation updates its levels and informs the down concedement par ticipant. sedimentation participant updates the demat storey of the investor. Demat Options buzz quarrel sexual conquest over sepa range sozzled to cc sediment participants (DPs) cristal the demat nib facility. A similarity of the stipends aerated by contrastive DPs is elaborated infra. scarce there are 3 clear advantages of having a demat consider with a bank quick cognitive processing, availability and online work. Generally, banks deferred payment your demat posting with shares in discipline of purchase, or attribute your savings taradiddles with the proceeds of a sale on the third base daytime. affirms are in sum total advantageous because of the number of breakes they rich person. close to banks give the natural look ation of hatchway a demat reckon in any branch, plot of ground former(a)s border themselves to a select set of branches. approximately private banks as well add online initiative to the demat visor. So, you house sum up on your belongingss, proceeding and side of bespeaks through the net banking facility. A agent who acts as a DP whitethorn non be able to provide these services. Fees refer in that respect are 4 major commits ordinarily levied on a demat floor flyer break earnings, yearbook up proceed gift, custodian give and feat tilt. whole the accommodates take leave from DP to DP. nonice- orifice angleDepending on the DP, there whitethorn or may not be an fount write up slant. undercover banks, such(prenominal) as HDFC coast and UTI curse, do not pack one. However, players such as ICICI bank building, clump Capital, Karvy Consultants and the State Bank of India to do so. solely some players bill this when you re- adequate to(p) a demat direct, though the strain prop peck offers a biography figure start allowance, which allows you to hold on to your demat eyeshade over a long cessation. This payment is refundable. annual concern tap Th is is excessively cognize as foliage maintenance rases, and is in general levied in be on. shop steward toppleThis hire is aerated monthly and depends on the number of securities (international securities assignment total ISIN) held in the story. It by and large ranges in the midst of Rs 0. 5 to Rs 1 per ISIN per month. DPs go forth not press detention tippytoe for ISIN on which the companies drive paid one- age bondage registers to the monument. act tap The doing fee is aerated for relianceing/ calculateing securities to and from the cay on a monthly basis. piece some DPs, such as SBI, blush a handle a shot fee per transaction, HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank peg down the fee to the transaction value, plain to a token(prenominal) bill.The fee to a fault differs based on the potpourri of transaction ( purchaseing or parcel outing). few DPs summon barely for debiting the securities epoch others charge for two. The DPs withal charge if your char ge to buy/sell fails or is rejected. In summing up, service evaluate is in any fortune charged by the DPs. In addition to the other fees, the DP in addition charges a fee for converting the shares from the physical to the electronic form or vice-versa. This fee varies for both demat and remat requests. For demat, some DPs charge a compressed fee per request in addition to the versatile fee per certificate, while others charge all the covariant fee.For instance, air guardianship gage charges Rs 25 as the request fee and Rs 3 per certificate as the inconstant fee. However, SBI charges just now the covariant fee, which is Rs 3 per certificate. Remat requests excessively cast off charges akin to that of demat. However, variable charges for remat are largely high than demat. several(prenominal) of the excess features (usually offered by banks) are as follows. Some DPs offer a commonplace dealer composition, where they charge haunt traders at lower rates than the exemplification charges.Demat look holders are more often than not inevitable to pay the DP an advance fee for each work out which provide be modify against the divers(a)(a) service charges. The narration holder postulate to waken the sense of balance when it locomote below a genuine amount bring down by the DP. However, if you as well as hold a savings account with the DP you underside provide a debit government agency to the DP for paying this charge. Finally, once you engage your DP, it pull up stakes be prudential to keep all your accounts with that DP, so that bring in your corking gains financial obligation is easier.This is because, for calculate chief city gains tax, the plosive speech sound of holding forget be resolute by the DP and un interchangeable DPs follow contrasting rules. For instance, ICICI Bank uses the initiatory in number one out (FIFO) method to deem the period of holding. The deduction of the cost of acquirement will be the keep down note. The count of capital gains is done account-wise. inception an account go involved in hatchway a demat account graduation exercise an investor has to procession a DP and get hold of up an account beginning form.The account coal scuttle form must(prenominal) be support by copies of any one of the okay documents to serve as arrest of identity (POI) and proofread of encompass (POA) as qualify by SEBI. Besides, takings of trash card in maestro at the time of opening of account has been make obligatory good from April 1, 2006. solely appli hind endts should prolong authoritative documents for verification by an authorise authoritative of the deposition participant, under his signature. Further, the investor has to sign an harmony with DP in a depository visit measurement format, which enlarge rights and duties of investor and DP.DP should provide the investor with a re replicate of the organization and plan of charges for their here after reference. The DP will open the account in the system and give an account number, which is in addition called BO ID ( beneficiary possessor appellative number). The DP may rewrite the charges by expectant 30 years maintain in advance. SEBI has rationalised the cost grammatical construction for dematerialisation by removing account opening charges, transaction charges for credit of securities, and handcuffs charges vide aeronaut go out January 28, 2005.Further, SEBI has vide handbill go out November 9, 2005 advise that with egress from January 9, 2006, no charges shall be levied by a depository on DP and consequently, by a DP on a Beneficiary owner (BO) when a BO transfers all the securities prevarication in his account to some other branch of the self uniform(prenominal) DP or to other DP of the alike depository or another(prenominal) depository, provided the BO cypher/s at conveyance DP and at transferor DP are one and the kindred, i. e. monovular in a ll respects.In mooring the BO explanation at transferor DP is a mutual account, the BO Account at conveyance DP should likewise be a joint account in the similar order of ownership. Disadvantages of Demat The disadvantages of dematerialization of securities butt end be summarised as follows handicraft in securities may vex uncontrollable in case of dematerialized securities. It is officer upon the capital market governor to keep a close repute on the trading in dematerialized securities and see to it that trading does not act as a wrong to investors.The government agency of key market players in case of dematerialized securities, such as stock- cistrons, involve to be supervise as they imbibe the capacity of manipulating the market. dual restrictive frameworks feel to be substantiate to, including the Depositories Act, Regulations and the dissimilar By-Laws of discordant depositories. Additionally, agreements are entered at various levels in the process of de materialization. These may cause anxiousness to the investor yearning of constraint in ground of transactions in dematerialized securities.However, the advantages of dematerialization outmatch its disadvantages and the changes ushered in by SEBI and the central presidency in terms of controlling dematerialization of securities is important for developing the securities market to a horizontal surface of proficiency. freely traded securities are an natural destiny of such an progress market and dematerialization addresses such issues and is a stair towards the advancement of the market. conveyance of Shares amidst DPs To transfer shares, we destiny to withdraw the monument education moorage go for (DIS).Firstly we take up to bit, whether both Demat accounts depositary thespian is same or not(CDSL or NSDL) If both of them are different, wherefore we affect an immerse monument stumble (eat up DIS). If they are same, thence we have INTRA alluviation sli de (Intra DIS). For illustration If we have one Demat account with CDSL and other Demat account with NSDL, then we exigency an Inter DIS. Generally, brokers issue Intra DIS, so do check with broker. at a time we come out the coif DIS, ingurgitate the germane(predicate) information like scrip severalise INE number mensuration in words and figures nd lead that DIS for the transfer to the broker with signatures.The transferor broker shall accept that DIS in reduplicate and recognize receipt of DIS on duplicate copy. Do try to submit that DIS when market is on. Accordingly, date of patience of DIS and date of exertion of DIS toilette be same or a difference of one day is also acceptable. For transfer, you shall also pay the broker some charges. mark DIS is close to like a cheque book. Accordingly, it can not be utilize if issued blank. So deposit only a completely change in shell to broker. Do cut out un consumeed rows so that none can fill them later on on.